referring people for even more money ?! (in Contests)

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 12:13 PM EST

The entry fee is 5k and the contest is pretty simple i need at least 5 people to participate. The prize will be the entry fees minus tax :P
The perosn who refers most prople within 3 days after contest starts will win
Must give me some proof like post your referring # (how much you already made) and then ur # after you referred the people. this will be a fun contest
and its for the good of carnage blender

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 12:24 PM EST

Oh and it does not matter if you havent reffered anyone its how many in the 3 day period. sorry i forgot to mention that earlier

Timberwolf January 17 2005 12:40 PM EST

How much 'tax' do you plan on keeping?

Descent January 17 2005 12:42 PM EST

"To remove the motivation for lame "contests" designed to benefit only their authors, any profit generated by a contest must be sent to TourneyPrizes. Item raffles may continue to be held in FS/WTB. "

In other words, there can be no "tax".

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 12:43 PM EST

probably not much maybe 1k from each 5k entry. hey a man has his needs. but still you get alot of money by referring people anyways why not try to get the gran prize ? all you gotta do is send 5k and post how many people you already referred and ill kep track of that and double check just in case i get some cheaters.

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 12:44 PM EST

o no tax ok all the prize money !it will be fun any ways

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 12:46 PM EST

ok so new: 5k entry most people referred in 3 days and the grand prize will be all the money generated by entry fees. Same rules though must give me your # of referrels befor and after. and i think i might add the refered person has to at least finish tutorial.

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 2:31 PM EST

ok ya new rule the person you refer must at least finish tutorial for it to count.

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 17 2005 7:31 PM EST

SirBublleWrap won by default no one entered :/

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 18 2005 7:07 PM EST

ok i am reopening because not even sirbubble entered you still got a chance

Mistress Reyna January 18 2005 10:52 PM EST

well i got one person so far i will send the five k

[pwnage]Exotion [[pWnage]] January 18 2005 10:57 PM EST

ok so your the first
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