FTS-Mardude/Dots Deal (in Public Record)

3D January 18 2005 12:38 AM EST

FTS-Mardude is buying my Lesser Tattoo of Ice for 90k. He will not have to pay daily, but he may if he wishes. Hey will pay 90k by next monday (Monday, January 24th). Once he has sent all 90k, he will received his Tattoo. If he fails to meet this deal, he will have to pay an extra 10k, totaling to 100k. But i will give him an extra week to get it. Please confirm this post. And tell me if I missed anything.

3D January 18 2005 12:40 AM EST

After speaking more, he told me he cannot psot since his email was canceled. He will chatmail me the confirmation and i will copy/paste it here. i hope that is sufficient.

3D January 18 2005 12:43 AM EST

From: FTS-Mardude 
Sent: 12:41 AM EST 

i confirm this deal (90k by the next monday{17th my time today}) or i pay an additional 10k

3D January 18 2005 12:53 AM EST

he wanted the ltoi now, so i sent it to him. just wanna say :).
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