Selling out pt. 3. (in Public Record)

Cranium Basher January 19 2005 1:18 AM EST

From: daishinzo Sent: January 18 2005 3:04 PM EST
Oh and if NK was supposed to send more than 95$ he owes you 15$ more. Pleb still hasn't paid

From: daishinzo Sent: January 18 2005 3:03 PM EST Delivered: 1:12 AM EST
I have gotten money from Gnu, NK and BD. Sending the 14 dollars to that addy now for you.

Lot 1: 95 --Nonsensical Knight *PAID*
Lot 2: 10 --Pleb
Lot 3: 50 --BooDiggins *PAID*
Lot 4: 60 --BooDiggins //// might be open. *PAID*
Lot 5: 17 --Pleb
Lot 6: 50 --GnuUzir *PAID*

Sending lots 1346

Lumpy Koala January 19 2005 3:12 AM EST

hmm... you said sending... and I haven't seen the sword in my stash.

It's been 3 days after I paid $95.. so you should just unequip and send those items to us.

just for the record, the payment was confirmed here

Goon January 19 2005 3:17 AM EST

having problems with payment - deadman isn't logging on, I'll try and get someone to turn my 400k into 27$ ASAP If you hold on.

Cranium Basher January 19 2005 8:11 AM EST

I've sent all but lots 5 and 2...

Pleb, I have decided to just end this, If you want to make me a private offer for the items:

A Combat Gi [1] (+3) 45,933
A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets [5] 2,019
A Tattoo of Jigorokano lvl 20,270

Yes the tat has gone up 7k...

But I am not selling for the previously negotiated price. Too many middle men.

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