composite = 62.5k (in Public Record)

Power January 20 2005 5:55 AM EST

sellling a composite bow to Michalstar for 62.5k

please confirm

Michalastar January 20 2005 5:58 AM EST

sorry thought it was a comp

Michalastar January 20 2005 6:06 AM EST

As in compound..honest mistake

=> MrChuckles how much should i pay for it?
<Power> now if that doesnt rock I dont know what does
<MrChuckles> compound or composite?
=> MrChuckles compound
=> power really dude.. that don't rock =)
=> power i have a named comp on CB1 =)
<MrChuckles> not really sure on their prices but 100k is probably a good price, best to check with someone else first but up to 150k would be worth it
=> MrChuckles should i get it for 65k?

Power January 20 2005 3:58 PM EST

you confirm that yoiu knew 65k is total a total unrealistic price. Sad if you'd rip someone off that badly, say, a newbie who was lucky in store...

Of course mentioned the word "composite" several time in private chat (which I have saved, just in case anyone is interested), described the stats ("4x....") of both composites and so on. Also, even if what you're saying is totally true you pissed me off quite a bit during negotiation.

I didn't lose any money but time and therefore recommend everyone to be careful about that when (if?) dealing with "Michalstar" again.



sssimmo January 20 2005 4:12 PM EST

doesn't take much to get under your skin
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