Account Mess up/Glitch. HELP NE1! (in Public Record)

Jimmysan00 January 20 2005 1:55 PM EST

I've told every1 i know and every claims it is impossible, but it happened. My buddy started his own account and has all da updates and even tried using Mozilla Firefox 1.0. He has all the Windows Updates and is using Windows 2000 just like me. He is using Cable Modem(Comcast) ISP. He claims he cannot view News, Tools, Forums or Stats. And that he can't sell items he owns or External Transfer Items to people. It is driving him crazy and me cuz i tried 2 help but can't get anywhere. He even Came over 2 my house and went on the SAME PC i use my account on and It does exactly what he said. Same result at his place and at my place. And my Account works fine. He would be contacting some1 here but he has not Chat or Chatmail so i must do it for him 2 help a buddy out. Please any1 help either Chat mail me or Post it here or E-mail me. Either or Thanks!
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