Statistics wrong? (in General)

[EG] Almuric January 21 2005 10:15 AM EST

There seem to be a bunch of statistics missing. Yesterday, I was the 46th or so Most Powerful, now I'm 20th? Did a bunch of people re-do their strat? There seem to be people missing, or something. Can anyone confirm?

QBJohnnywas January 21 2005 10:19 AM EST

Did they move out of Shire? Steveh hit 100k pr and moved on, maybe some others did

[EG] Almuric January 21 2005 10:27 AM EST

I guess that's it. Didn't realize the realms had started taking effect. Wonder what the new criteria is.

QBJohnnywas January 21 2005 10:30 AM EST

I'm not sure but wasn't it 100k pr to move into Rivendell, and after a year into Gondor? The realms inbetween I'm not too sure about though.

[EG] Almuric January 21 2005 11:06 AM EST

Steve's not the only one in Rivendell. There's got to be some other criteria.

Majestik Moose January 21 2005 11:10 AM EST

I'm pretty sure it's based on time on CB, since I'm still in shire

Majestik Moose January 21 2005 11:19 AM EST

which means, 20 days in shire, then you move to rivendell
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