Unarmed Combat vs. Bloodlust vs. Evasion (in General)

miteke [Superheros] January 21 2005 11:20 AM EST

Can anyone give me a little pro-con analysis of these three skills? I currently have one character with Evasion and one with Bloodlust and am considering switching because of the high cost of items. My guess is that Evasion rules in defense, Bloodlust in offense, and UC is in between.

I have no idea how some folks have managed to accumulate millions in assets at my rank area when I find it to be a week long project just to scrape together enough cash to buy a small ToJ. Any hints for making cash?

xDanELx January 21 2005 1:14 PM EST

miteke, just keep on fighting. if you want a low maintenance team, i suggest you look at a few of the top players using enchanters and mages only. Some of them are naked but are winning quite a bit. another way is to go single mage fb strategy as it seems to be quite successful. using weapons can easily drain anything you earn as you have to keep on updating them. using mage strat, the only thing you need to do is to keep training.

Undertow January 21 2005 2:25 PM EST

Yah man, the guys that make millions do one of 3 things:

Camp. Camp your pants off. One rare nets you what you'd make fighting in a week.

Spend USD! =D

Start at midnight, Jan. 1st, and spend every ba until now. The guys on top have earned it for the most part.

Tanks are hard to keep up right now. It was easier in CB1 where you had millions stashed to go buy items with. Now rares are REALLY rare.
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