Help Chrono out! Details inside. (in Off-topic)

Chrono January 23 2005 4:57 PM EST

Some of you older members may remember back a while ago.. that I was making a Carnage Blender RPG using RPG maker XP.

Well I hit the map making stages. I found out, I really suck at it.

Stoner has been helping me out a lot by making maps for me, and they are very very good. However, stoner is cutting back on his online time and will not be able to make maps for me anymore.

Now, I need you to help me out. I don't know how many people I would need exactly, I do know stoner had a lot of stuff to do. *but i don't know exactly how fast i can work* People with previous experience, and good artistic abilities are recomended.

If anyone asks, no I am sorry I can not pay you. You.. will get into the credits though ^^.

If you happen to be able to help me, please either chat mail me, or IM me on ..
Aim (TintedClear86)
Msn ( (msn is prefered)

IndependenZ January 26 2005 7:31 AM EST

Good to hear you're still working on that RPG.
I remember reading the idea and loving it =D

I'm afraid I can't help you though, I haven't got any experience with any of that stuff.
Keep up the good work! :)

Spectre January 26 2005 9:23 AM EST

Yeah, glad to hear you are still working on it. Should be fun. :P
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