FuryLord and Aaron Deal (Borrow) (in Public Record)

Concepter January 26 2005 8:02 AM EST

FuryLord is sending 550k to let me borrow, and i'll pay back 120k a week Which will make a total of 600k. Confim...

FuryLord January 26 2005 8:08 AM EST


Concepter January 26 2005 8:19 AM EST

Something wrong happened... FuryLord sent it to [STG]Aaron...

FuryLord January 26 2005 8:50 AM EST

You should have 550k now...

Concepter January 26 2005 10:44 AM EST

Yes... i do.

Concepter January 26 2005 8:24 PM EST

I'm paying back 120k every wednesday starting next week.

Concepter January 27 2005 6:51 PM EST

Now, FuryLord has loaned more to the deal so he'll be giving 500k more and overall thats 1.05 mill and i'll pay back 1.2 mill overall. Confirm...

FuryLord January 27 2005 6:54 PM EST

Agreed, cash is in the bag...
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