Clan Forging Party (in Public Record)

Severswoed January 26 2005 8:45 AM EST

Severswoed Might is pleased to announce that for the next two days all of its members will be forging, not fighting. If you have an item that needs to be forged contact a member from the Severswoed Might clan for assistance. If they are busy they will redirect to you to another member. Someone will be able to provide assistance providing someone doesn't want something taken up by 20 or more to tie up their time. The fee is 80% of BlackSmith fee. Seperate forging deals may be made on the side with your individual forger. Dingleberry of the clan Severswoed Might is looking for a forging job that can be done for Supportership. If anyone is willing to help him that would be much appreciated!. Good Luck and Happy Forging!
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