How fast do wounded targets heal in between fights? (in General)

Quark January 26 2005 12:03 PM EST

I know it's faster than CB1, but I'm re-fighting Todd (Falcon) in 2 or 3 second intervals and he's re-healing in between (he wasn't fighting at the time). Same with spydah (Spid). Much faster re-healing than the re-heal time for comatose targets.

Is it just me?

Becoming January 26 2005 12:29 PM EST

30 seconds.

Quark February 2 2005 12:47 PM EST

This one is still bugging me. I think it's because it might be a fixed time slot (on the minute and every x seconds), so that if I lose a fight just before the server hits a new minute they will regenerate. Sound plausible?

Undertow February 2 2005 1:41 PM EST

yes, it's when all the people on your list stop being comatose :D
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