GentlemanLoser selling me a corn on a payplan. (in Public Record)

Becoming January 26 2005 12:03 PM EST

We haven't really agreed on a final price, but I'll be sending cash over at random intervals and posting them here with a running tally. Thanks! :)

Becoming January 26 2005 12:04 PM EST

GentlemanLoser (Talhearn) Becoming (Becoming) A Cornuthaum ($35000) 11:57 AM EST

Becoming (Becoming) GentlemanLoser (Talhearn) $500000 -- Corn down payment 12:03 PM EST

Becoming February 17 2005 4:23 PM EST

Becoming (Becoming) GentlemanLoser (Talhearn) $750000 4:22 PM EST
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