how is tattoo of Tattoo of Jigorokano increased? (in General)

jabone January 26 2005 3:34 PM EST

I just got a Tattoo of Jigorokano and notice that many people have ToJ level (something much higher than 20). How do I improve this? Thanks, John

Majestik Moose January 26 2005 3:35 PM EST

basically, by fighting with tattoo equipped

jabone January 26 2005 3:37 PM EST


AngryZac January 26 2005 3:51 PM EST

It also gains levels just by training with it equipped.

Tezmac January 26 2005 4:10 PM EST

Look dude, it's really simple.
Your tattoo gains experience when your minions do. It "trains" the xp at any of several points that velo described. It doesn't matter how many times you go to the train page though if you haven't earned any enough xp to get to the next level since the last time you went.

--Jonathan, January 23 2005 7:37 PM EST
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