Is this a new feature.. hovering over items in meta stats shows info (in General)

[HaveToLook]Buffet January 26 2005 7:37 PM EST

Subject pretty much says it all. In item meta stats, when you hover over the links, it changes the status bar and displays the stats of that item.

Either I'm just slow or this is new and undiscovered. (probably slow)

MoeDrippins January 26 2005 7:38 PM EST

I've seen it before, but not sure if it was there from day 1 or not. I THINK it was...

Undertow January 26 2005 7:40 PM EST

It was there at day 1, I saw it.

[HaveToLook]Buffet January 26 2005 7:46 PM EST

jeeze.. and ive been clicking to view the stats... what a waste of probably 10 seconds of my life
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