StMichael has been borrowing from Tribute (in Public Record)

Tribute January 28 2005 1:17 AM EST

Need a FAST loan. Notify me of new responses

If you send 120k to -=HighValor=- I'll repay 140k within 4 days.

---)SM(-StMichael, January 25 2005 12:31 PM EST


I'll do it.

--Tribute, January 25 2005 2:05 PM EST


Tribute (Tribute) -)SM(-StMichael (-=HighValor=-) $120000
4 days to go....

--Tribute, January 25 2005 2:06 PM EST


Thanks Mate

---)SM(-StMichael, January 25 2005 2:58 PM EST

This is from a different thread. I forgot to make a PR one so here it is.

Tribute January 29 2005 5:01 PM EST

time is already up but he has not paid yet. I will try to make a deal to extend the time with him.

Tribute January 29 2005 5:51 PM EST

70K sent with 70K left and 2.5K a day interest

Tribute January 30 2005 1:47 AM EST

he has sent the rest and since it is/was the same day, he did not have to pay extra.

SaintMichael January 30 2005 2:38 PM EST

Thanks again
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