Barron's Unofficial CB2 Bank--Charter (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 28 2005 9:53 PM EST

Barron's Unofficial CB2 Bank

Created Jan 28,2005

Loans: Loans are given at 10% flat rate per week. One week loans are preferred as it ties up cash flow to make longer loans, but exceptions can be arranged in some cases. All loans are in cb2$ and payments are to be made in cb2$. After agreeing on the loan in chatmail, a post will be created in Public Records which must be confirmed by the borrower. Money will then be transferred. If loans are paid late there is a 1.5% per late day rate added to the original loan.

Deposits: I am accepting deposits which will earn the depositor a return on their investment at the rate of 15% per month. Deposits are made for a minimum ONE month period. The deposit plus 15% will then be paid to the depositor at the end of the 1 month period. At this time I am accepting deposits no greater than 200k. This will increase as cash flow becomes more stable. ***Disclosure: Depositors will be given a return on their investment as described above, so long as this bank is operational. If for some reason it fails, original deposits will be fully refunded. This event is unlikely, but a bank needs to have some security too :)

Please chatmail me your questions as in-game chat and pm is difficult to keep up with. Thank you for your help in getting this off the ground.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 28 2005 10:14 PM EST

Addendum: Do not send a deposit unless the transaction is discussed with me beforehand, and a post is created and confirmed in Public Records. I am not an ATM :)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 28 2005 11:23 PM EST

Addendum: A need for short term loans exists. Therefore, short term loans will be available upon special request at the rate of 1.5% per day. One day is any portion of the first 24 hours. 24 hours and one minute is counted as 2 days, and so forth.

Thank you all for the great support so far to this fledgling bank.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 29 2005 8:59 AM EST

The unofficial name for the bank is now CB2BANK.

All money transfers having to do with bank transactions will come through CB2BANK.

Therefore, to pay a loan, send the proceeds to CB2BANK. Likewise, for deposits. Always post your payments in your appropriate Public Forums post as well.

Thank you!

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 29 2005 10:53 PM EST

Addendum: Minimum charge for a short term loan is set at 3k no matter how short the loan. This covers the transfer fee and the transaction.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] January 30 2005 1:28 PM EST

For clients and investors alike I have tabulated the CB2BANK assets and am providing a brief summary thus far:

CB2BANK Total Assets thus far: 5,142,125 $cb2

CB2BANK Depositors (4): 575,000 $cb2

CB2BANK management wishes to extend it's sincere appreciation to our clients and investors.

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