supporter ship for napoleon_solo (in Public Record)

WildBlade February 2 2005 6:39 PM EST

this is the deal,

if he plays good for the clan and does his best for it.
i will pay the 10 usd for him to get his supporter ship.

...playing good is based on my playing in the game and mr mambas playing in the game...

between my self and mr mambas playing there is a middle ground in which any player who does his best can do it.

if mr napoleon_solo agrees to this then he will get his supporter ship. in the time it takes the funds to be transferred (of which is being done now) and clear with paypal and then with jon.

Napoleon Solo February 2 2005 6:42 PM EST

ill agree to the above terms

WildBlade February 4 2005 8:43 AM EST

part of deal met, mr napoleon received some of the extras as promised

WildBlade February 7 2005 7:53 PM EST

ok he got supportership from some one else so what happens to this deal?
is it mute?

WildBlade February 8 2005 10:26 AM EST

ok paypal cleared the bank transfer, since Mr napoleon doesn't need a supporter ship, does any one else want it, Can do 2 players.
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