Blend me a theme! (in Contests)

[LB]Iceman February 3 2005 11:09 AM EST

Ok all you theme-author gurus. I tried (and failed miserably) to craft my own theme last night. I've given up, so now I'm running a contest in hopes that someone more talented than I will be up to the challenge. So, here's the rules:

1) MUST BE PG. This should go without saying, but I CB at work, and will probably be checking this contest at work, so all entries MUST be "work-safe."

2) Unlimited entries per contestant. No entry fee.

3) Build a theme centered around the image below ("Theme Image").

4) Entries are judged on aesthetics, cleanliness, and load time. Entrants should pay close attention to the colors present in the Theme Image. All lines should be smooth and clean. No animations or large graphics.

5) Entries should be dark and soothing to the eye and easy to look at for hours at a time.

6) ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THEME BLENDER. (Link can be found in Community.)

7) Winners will be judged solely by me on Tuesday, Feb 8th. Winner will receive 25k CB2 and a random farm-level item (e.g. a pair of leather gloves). Up to two runners-up will receive 5k each.

Let the game begin!

Theme image:

[LB]Iceman February 4 2005 2:14 AM EST

OK in order to garner some interest, the prizes are now:

1st Place: 50k + 1 farm-quality item.
1st Runner-up: 15k
2nd Runner-up: 10k
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