Battle Royal Recruiting (in General)

3D February 3 2005 7:44 PM EST

The clan Battle Royale is recruiting players.
We are looking for nice and friendly players who will help other clan members in need.
2k clan points a day is vital. If you do not exceed 2k, don't expect to be in the clan.
You must buy BA, which will get you over the 2k mark. Remember if you need a loan we will help you (or ask barron =P).
Since we just let go a player due to the fact that he said he will be gone for a while, your pr shouldn't matter too much.
If you are an active and friendly person that can get more than 2k score, than please contact Ranger since he is the clan manager.

3D February 3 2005 7:48 PM EST

One more thing, after consulting with ranger, we can only accept a PR of 44k or less. So again, plz contact ranger.
Oh, and our clan is currently 5th place. We normally range from 4th to 5th, but with another person we can, again, get 3rd place.
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