want photo editing software (in Off-topic)

Acidpants220 February 3 2005 11:55 PM EST

Hey! right now i'm looking for a good photo editing program to use on my computer. It would be great if i could get some reccomendations from people!
it would be great if it was free. I'd be using it to edit scanned images, and other things such as my Pic here on CB.

Whats out there? I've looked but everything is pretty bad that i've found

Stephen February 4 2005 12:00 AM EST

Go and download a trial version of JASC's Paint Shop Pro

Max February 4 2005 12:03 AM EST


Photo Impact

bartjan February 4 2005 12:42 AM EST

The Gimp. As good as Photoshop, but Open Source (so it's free).
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