Help: PS2 Parental control password problems (that's a lot of P's :p) (in Off-topic)

Undertow February 4 2005 6:06 AM EST

So, I bought a used PS2.

I go to watch my first DVD on it, when I get the "enter your parental control password" thing on it.

First I freak, then I'm like "Ah, it's always 0000." Then it wasn'ts, so I freak again.

Anyone know a way to figure out, fix it, by pass it, ect?

RIPsalt3d February 4 2005 6:12 AM EST

Google is still your friend.

Undertow February 4 2005 8:32 AM EST

Yes, I thought of that right after this. For those that have the same problem in the future:

Get to the "input password" screen. Hold SELECT, and input 7444. It will delete the old password.


Aramil-got dumped February 4 2005 10:22 AM EST

not much of a parental control then if that is all you have to do to get around it :)

NSFY February 4 2005 10:40 AM EST

I disagree - that would be very effective in keeping my parents off of my PS2.

Undertow February 4 2005 11:42 AM EST

Not only that, but it requires that a 12 yr old go online, search google, figure it out, go back and use it.

I know kids are smarter and smarter these days, but that's still pretty secure.
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