Support the Piggy Bank! (in Public Record)

SaintMichael February 6 2005 10:49 PM EST

<b> Donate 200,000 and Join the Ranks of PB Supporters who Receive a 10% for Every 200,000 Donated Weekly! </b> It's no scam, just insanely profitable!
<br><b> How It Works: </b> You send 200,000 to the character Shmooglefloop, we take your name and how much you donated and hold on to it, then we give out loans at 8% during the week, at at the end of the week depending on your donation entitles you to your reward!
<br><b> Hey! What If It Backfires?</b> If worse comes to worse and no one takes out loans we will personally send our untouched money back so you use nothing except a mere week!
<br><b> What can't I do?</b> Once you've sent the money it remains for the week, you may be refunded just not during the first week. You must pay all transfer fee to send the money, you will not be reinburst.
<br><b> Can I Volenter PB?</b> If you are social and like to strike bargins you may be a Loaner, if you are good with numbers and are the efficiant, technical guy, you can be an Accountent.

SaintMichael February 6 2005 10:49 PM EST

Donate 200,000 and Join the Ranks of PB Supporters who Receive a 10% for Every 200,000 Donated Weekly! It's no scam, just insanely profitable!
How It Works: You send 200,000 to the character Shmooglefloop, we take your name and how much you donated and hold on to it, then we give out loans at 8% during the week, at at the end of the week depending on your donation entitles you to your reward!
Hey! What If It Backfires? If worse comes to worse and no one takes out loans we will personally send our untouched money back so you use nothing except a mere week!
What can't I do? Once you've sent the money it remains for the week, you may be refunded just not during the first week. You must pay all transfer fee to send the money, you will not be reinburst.
Can I Volenter PB? If you are social and like to strike bargins you may be a Loaner, if you are good with numbers and are the efficiant, technical guy, you can be an Accountent.

SaintMichael February 6 2005 11:02 PM EST

Or for a a mere 100k you may have a 5% claim in PB.

SaintMichael February 6 2005 11:44 PM EST

Nightmare made a deposit of $200,000, thank you
-Nightmare $200000 --Piggy Bank Deposit 11:31 PM EST
Mardude took out two $5,000 loan at 8% interest, to be paid within 2 days
-StMichael (Shmooglefloops) Mardude (Rise Of Hell) $5000 11:32 PM EST
-StMichael (Shmooglefloops) Mardude (Rise Of Hell) $5000 11:30 PM EST

SaintMichael February 7 2005 12:31 AM EST

SirBubbleWrap deposited $200,000 which means 10% loan interest, thank you
SirBubbleWrap $200000 -- piggy bank supporter 12:27 AM EST

Xenko February 7 2005 6:53 AM EST

200k Deposit made as agreed upon in CM.

SaintMichael February 7 2005 10:29 AM EST

Kultur sent the 200,000 entitling him to 10% of intrest
Kultur (Xenko) $200000 -- Deposit 6:52 AM EST
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