Max's Consolidated Loans w/ CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 6 2005 11:21 PM EST

Loan 1: 700k balance due 2/5/05
Loan 2: 550k balance due 2/5/05
Loan 3: 220l balance due 2/5/05
Total due 2/5/05: 1,470,000
1.5% of balance per day : 22,050
Due 2/6/05: 1,492,050
1.5% of balance due : 22,380
Due 2/7/05: 1,514,430

Max February 6 2005 11:30 PM EST

The corn is worth it. :P

As per our chatmails we are waiting on a few things to go through.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 7 2005 7:48 PM EST

Due from Starseed Lure to Max for the sale of the Morgul:3,250,000
Minus loan due to cb2bank from Max: 1,514,430

Balance due to Max from cb2bank: 1,735,570

[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) Max (ThePickleStrikesBack) $1735570 7:45 PM EST

Max, this loan is paid in full. Thank you!
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