Eloren/Sab deal (in Public Record)

Sabriel February 7 2005 6:19 PM EST

Eloren is loaning me his L 5,620 ToJ for 3 hours and will play me between $15 and $20 CB2 per level that I add to it. Please confirm.

Hiro Protagonist February 7 2005 6:20 PM EST

Agreed :)

Sabriel February 7 2005 8:14 PM EST

A Tattoo of Jigorokano lvl 5,970 84,924 is what will be returned when the 3 hours is over. That is an increase of 300 levels while it was in my care. Eloren will now decide on either $15/level or $20/level which comes out to be either $4,500 or $6,000 respectively. Eloren, I hope we can do this again sometime, and maybe next time I won't be running out the door to class 45 minutes early. =)

Hiro Protagonist February 7 2005 10:02 PM EST

5250 sent, which is obviously in between the range of price we agreed on.
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