Kaiousama & Severswoed Deal (in Public Record)

Tenchi Muyo February 7 2005 9:08 PM EST

Severswoed has paid $700,000 as downpayment on a ToJ, with $2,000,000 left to be repaid, at an understanding of 10% interest applied to the remaining balance each week.

The start of the 1 week timer will begin on Tuesday at noon (server time).

Severswoed February 7 2005 9:12 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Kaiousama (Kaiousama) $300000 9:11 PM EST

Severswoed February 7 2005 10:26 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Kaiousama (Kaiousama) $60000 10:25 PM EST

Tenchi Muyo February 7 2005 10:47 PM EST

$1,640,000 left to be paid off currently.

Upon confirmation I am sending a Compound bow (NW: $442,097) for forging @ 75%, which will be deducted from the remaining balance. This is only for up to a 1m NW increase (750,000 removed from the balance max).

Severswoed February 7 2005 10:48 PM EST


Severswoed February 7 2005 10:50 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Kaiousama (Kaiousama) $40000 10:49 PM EST

$1,600,000 left to be paid off currently.

Severswoed February 8 2005 12:57 PM EST

A Compound Bow 5
x26 ($0) \\
x27 ($34,851) \\
x28 ($72,366) \\
x29 ($112,750) \\
x30 ($156,222) \\
x31 ($203,018) \\
x32 ($253,393) \\
x33 ($307,619) \\ Payment towards debt: $246,095

+10 ($0) \\
+11 ($14,815) \\
+12 ($31,695) \\
+13 ($50,729) \\
+14 ($72,001) \\
+15 ($95,592) \\
+16 ($121,581) \\
+17 ($150,045) \\ Payment towards debt: $120,036

Total to this point is $366,131

Once I reach these marks I will revaluate for going higher.

Severswoed February 8 2005 5:41 PM EST

i will not be forging the (+) only the (x)

When i get to x33 i will post the next set of prices.

Tenchi Muyo February 12 2005 7:35 PM EST

The forging deal was cancelled by both parties, and Severs still has $1,600,000 left to repay.

Tenchi Muyo February 15 2005 5:16 PM EST

It has been one week since the timer was started on interest.

Original Balance: $1,600,000
10% Interest: $160,000

New Amount: $1,760,000.

Severswoed February 15 2005 7:46 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Kaiousama (Kaiousama) $1000000 -- Yeah! 7:45 PM EST

$760,000 Left

Severswoed February 15 2005 9:07 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Kaiousama (Kaiousama) $760000 -- Thank you so much! 9:07 PM EST

Paid in Full, K is the man! Thank you again for allowing a pay plan.

Tenchi Muyo February 15 2005 9:14 PM EST

Thanks Sever.

-= Debt has been eliminated =-
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