Uhmm i dno if i have a problem (in General)

TheEverblacksky February 9 2005 8:38 PM EST

Uhhh i rented a ToJ around level 8,700 to the rentals for 3k for 1 day
and the standard i just left teh bottom the same and changed it to 3k and now i don't see it in rentals and it isn't in my inventory or even in loaned/rented items for me.... please help.

BrandonLP February 9 2005 8:39 PM EST

It won't show up in rentals if you don't specify the right filter.

TheEverblacksky February 9 2005 8:40 PM EST

does it only show up if some1 rents it?

TheEverblacksky February 9 2005 8:46 PM EST

wow, thanks i paid a bit for that thing and i woulda died if something happened to it.
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