MechKiller (in Off-topic)

Templar February 9 2005 10:14 PM EST

With the surprising number of people who joined, i am going to make this a ongoing thing. i have 30,000,000 in MK and its all for sale, so name the price.
I have items up to 50 for sale, so those are for sale too. Nightmare has recieved a total of 40k cb worth of stuff from buying, so don't miss out. Name the price you are willing to pay and i will say what you can get for it.

if you have yet to join the fun, make an account

in 1.0 i will own a clan, who will join?

Becoming February 9 2005 11:18 PM EST

Just in case some people are uninformed: this game is in beta and will be wiped upon entering "version 1.0."

Templar February 10 2005 11:36 AM EST

1.0 will come in about 3 months, i've only been playing 3 months, and think if any of you ever get about 2 mill, i'll buy it. im also looking for some lasher cannons

matteo48 February 10 2005 2:25 PM EST

I will join 1.0 and join your clan if accepted

Templar February 11 2005 10:40 PM EST

consider yourself accepted. for now join slabknights, and if you are accepted mail johnNitro that i referred you
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