already identified multi (in Public Record)

RIPsalt3d February 9 2005 11:09 PM EST

A few days ago I was browsing auctions and I looked up expired auctions for ToJ. One particular auction sparked my curiosity as it was sold at a buy now of $1. So I checked the transfers of both the buyer (Carnevil) and seller (Firos), and sure enough they were on the same IP, along with a couple of other accounts.

The IP they shared seemed to be an ordinary residential IP (although I couldn't be sure, I don't know US ISPs very well). Investigation showed that Firos had used one other IP, while the others had not. This other IP belongs to Oregon State University, and it was different enough that I was confident I wasn't mistaking an ordinary students-playing-at-school situation. I was still suspicious, though, because most of them had very similar email addresses.

I brought it to the admins' attention discreetly. I didn't want to post accusations in public when I wasn't 100% sure. The end result was that Max reset Carnevil and banned the rest.

Since then I had a look at the same auction and it appears that Carnevil is now known as OSU Beavers. This is not reflected in AKAs. What is strange to me, is that he has been 'A member of Carnage Blender 2 since February 7, 2005'. I can appreciate that perhaps when an account is reset, the creation date is changed to the date of the reset, but when you consider his character was 'Created February 03, 2005', it doesn't add up. I checked Character Transfers and he hasn't received any characters.

The only explanation that fits for me is that he wasn't reset and received a silent renaming courtesy of an admin. If I go a step further and assume that Max made a typo when he said he'd banned 'Carnevi' too, then he should be banned already. Even if it wasn't a typo and he actually did ban a user named 'Carnevi', shouldn't the-user-formerly-known-as-Carnevil be sporting a reset character?

What is going on? Am I missing something?

Wahooka February 9 2005 11:17 PM EST

for the record, Carnevil was banned...

Max February 9 2005 11:19 PM EST

Yes, you missed about 1 hours worth of conversation with the OSU Beaver and an explanation as to what occurred. I'm here to play the game, administer the player base and help new players. Nothing is 100% certain and if I'm to do the best job I can I can only go off the information as it is presented. I also administer in the spirit of the game. That means taking time to investigate things thoroughly and doing following ups.

I cannot go into details but I can tell you that I take tyhe characters before I ban players. This does a couple of things.
1. Handles the situation swiftly 2. Allows me to use judgment regarding possibly returning a character to a player for reasons that don't need to be posted. (It would take too long and some things aren't meant to be public) 3. Or, transfer the stuff to central bank then retiring them.

Anyway, there is a whole slew of things I didn't go into.

RIPsalt3d February 10 2005 12:12 AM EST

Whew, I was getting worried. I thought it could only be a mistake or some crucial piece of information not for mere mortals like me. I'm relieved it was the latter; I couldn't bear to think of CB as less than perfect. :)

Max February 10 2005 12:32 AM EST

I'm sorry if you feel left out of the loop. I didn't realize you needed a CC.

RIPsalt3d February 10 2005 12:44 AM EST

You misunderstand. I want nothing to do with your 'loop'. No need to be stroppy.
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