CB2BANK Recruiting Forgers (in General)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 11 2005 6:24 PM EST

CB2BANK is determined to have a top notch forging staff! We are looking for several forgers. Lets say a client hires CB2BANK to forge their weapon. Well, the obvious limitation for any solo forger is ba and time. With a team of forgers any item can be forged in a fraction of the time it would take for a single forger. We'll get the job done FAST and the item back into the client's happy hands quicker.

Requirements for a CB2BANK Forging Position:

1. PR above 50k
2. Knowledgeable already in the art of forging--we aren't going to teach you how to do it.
3. Willing to share your forging jobs with other clan members
4. Willing to share the profit of your forging jobs with other clan forgers--you forgers will work out the details about that.

Initially CB2BANK won't take any direct profit from your forging work. We would hope that you would refer clients to us for other things the bank offers. Later as the service becomes established, the bank may ask for a few percent.

Advantages to the forgers?
1. Quicker payoffs because the jobs get done faster
2. If you are sick, at work or on vacation, don't worry!! Your forging teammates will finish the job, and you'll get paid your share too.
3. Being a member of what will become a reliable forging service.

How to apply: Create a post here to tell us your qualifications. And then apply to our clan, CB2BANK Investors Club. If we're interested in hiring you, we will talk to you about the job.

LumpBot February 11 2005 7:30 PM EST

I'd like to apply. I'm always in the top 5 forgers on something. Currently number 1 in year and month. But I request that I'm given a week without jobs to bring my PR up. Obviously this would help us both out in the long run ;)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 11 2005 8:29 PM EST

SamuraiSpaceman, consider yourself accepted to our clan. We are really excited about developing an awesome forging team.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 11 2005 9:39 PM EST

Just to clarify a few questions:

1. There would not be a minimum ba output requirement--that's the whole point of having a forging team working together.
2. Transferring items being forged from 1 forger to another within an economic clan is cheaper (cheaper transfer fees) making it feasible to forge as a team
3. If you are close to 50pr we certainly will consider you.
4. Transfer costs between forger and client is also decreased in an economic clan.

We are looking for about 2 or 3 forgers. Lyan in our clan already is a forger and will help organize the team's efforts.

Severswoed February 12 2005 12:14 AM EST

I replied via chatmail, I will forge for you but I cannot leave my clan. I ahve too much time invested building it up and too many friends in the clan to just up and leave.

I do like the sound of the forging team and do quite a bit of forging as you can probably tell.

Let me know, an assest is an assest even if I am not in the clan!

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 12 2005 9:36 AM EST

thanks Severswoed. We probably have room for an entire forging clan to merge with us.

We have room for 3 or 4 more forgers to create an awesome forging team for the bank.

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] February 12 2005 12:16 PM EST

I am willing to give this a shot, as I do forge a lot already, but mostly my own stuff. The only downfall to that is that I am running out of money :p. I am not sure who will be coordinating jobs, and who will be finding them, but it sounds interesting nontheless. Do you already have a clan established? I created an E-clan a week or so after the game opened and I have plenty of room for new people. BTW sorry for the delayed response.

Severswoed February 12 2005 1:28 PM EST

we have also created an Eclan. Severswoed Accounting. we will be forging a lot too for people. If we dont merge then we will be in competition.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 12 2005 2:43 PM EST

It's up to you guys. CB2BANK will take the first 3 or 4 forgers that are qualified and apply.
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