Lewd World Order! (in General)

Zubbus February 12 2005 4:46 PM EST

What we are:
A clan with consistent players.

What we have:
More room.

What we need:
A little more manpower.

What we do:
Promote lewdity all over the world.

So look us up, think what you could add to it, think what we can do together with your contribution, and if that looks like the clan for you, apply away!

And if you do not already have a tattoo, you can borrow 1 from one of us until you get yourself one!

skurj February 13 2005 6:21 AM EST

Yep, I have a few tatts and other rares i could loan to help out new clan members.

I can attest to the clan having awesomely consistent players (inc. myself of course ;)). Two of us having played cb1 in a top clan for awhile, with The Male Valkyrie having one of the top characters. His consistency of BA use amazes me time and time again. *respect

Also, we are good to throw ideas at, and can certainly help with strats etc.

skurj March 9 2005 3:41 AM EST

If you need incentive and want to play cb1, I will give you a cb1 character (over 100k).
I have two characters to give away, therefore the successful 2 applicants will receive a cb1 character (conditions apply).

ps. we also have a cb1 clan with a space or two available.
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