Need a Clan member (in General)

Shark February 14 2005 4:33 AM EST

"The Bone Collectors" would like 1 player 35k or below with a fat tattoo or some gear where he wont get horribly farmed out by the monkeys in drag down on the Ant Farm join up ..I take a look at you and give you a few days see what you can do or toss you out before you get started :)_ one or the need to reply here just join up if you got some cahones..

Shark February 14 2005 7:18 AM EST

Did I scare you all or something? (v)oo(v)

Concepter February 14 2005 7:38 AM EST

how about me, i get between 1.5k - 2k Clan points a day. I'm a 14k PR.

Shark February 14 2005 8:51 AM EST

come on over .. why not..we give you a shot see how things work out :)

Shark February 14 2005 12:51 PM EST

well you just got fired,,if you make a post then dont bother to answer, your out before you got started
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