BrandonLP//CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 14 2005 5:59 PM EST

BrandonLP is borrowing 2 mil cb2 from cb2bank for 10% per week of unpaid balance, due at the end of 3 weeks. At the end of 3 weeks any unpaid balance will be charged a 1.5% per day finance charge. Additionally, the first interest payment of 200k is due in 1 week.

BrandonLP please confirm this. Thank you.

BrandonLP February 14 2005 6:41 PM EST

Confirmed. Please send to Lumiere.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 14 2005 6:43 PM EST

Money sent. Thank you, BrandonLP.
[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) BrandonLP (Lumiere) $2000000 6:42 PM EST

This loan is now active.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 15 2005 11:14 PM EST

BrandonLP (Lumiere) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $500000 -- 500k towards loan 10:47 PM EST
Thank you BrandonLP

Balance: 1.5 mil

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 21 2005 9:21 AM EST

BrandonLP (Lumiere) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $100000 February 20 2005
BrandonLP (Lumiere) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $180000 -- Meant to pay 200k =) February 18 2005 2:28 PM EST
BrandonLP (Lumiere) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $20000 February 18 2005 2:25 PM EST

Loan: 1,500,000
Payments: 300,000 Thank you.

Balance: 1,200,000
10%: 12,000

Balance due: 1,212,000

This starts week 2 of this loan. Brandon, please post your payments here. Thank you.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 24 2005 1:18 AM EST

Loan: 1,212,000

Payments 900,000 Thank you!

Balance due: 312,000

BrandonLP February 24 2005 1:02 PM EST

As an honorable player, I'm obliged to tell you that you calculated the interest wrong. 10% would actually be 120,000 rather than 12,000.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 26 2005 3:20 PM EST

Brandon, thank you for noting that error. :)

Loan: 1,200,000
10%: 120,000

Balance: 1,320,000

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 26 2005 5:44 PM EST

This loan is paid in full.

Thank you BrandonLP
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