DrD//CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 15 2005 4:42 PM EST

DrD is borrowing 200k from cb2bank for 2 weeks at 10% per week. If paid off after the first week but before the 2nd week then it would be charged at 10% for the 1st week and 1.5% per day of unpaid balance after the first week. Thank you DrD.

DrD February 15 2005 4:43 PM EST

Once again, Barron bails us out! Helps us along tanks and I confrim the above

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 15 2005 4:46 PM EST

Money sent. Thank you, DrD.
[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) DrD (Phiro) $200000 4:45 PM EST

DrD February 20 2005 5:48 PM EST

DrD (Phiro) [Loan Officer] Barron
(Don Kixothe) $177000 -- DrD payment 5:47 PM EST

More to follow thanks Barron!

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 20 2005 6:08 PM EST

Thanks, DrD.

Balance due: 23k

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 21 2005 6:45 PM EST

Correction: 23k was balance for the principle
10% for week 1: 20k

Balance: 43k
Thank you.

DrD February 25 2005 5:51 PM EST

Paid in full thx Barron!
DrD (Phiro) [Loan Officer] Barron
(Don Kixothe) $43000 -- DrD paid in full 5:51 PM EST
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