Jibberish/Random-X AXBow deal (in Public Record)

Nixon Jibfest February 15 2005 10:35 PM EST

I'm loaning Random-X an axbow for all of 2005 using permanent xfer. He will put upgrade it by at least 600k throughout the year. After 2005, he'll return it to me whenever I ask for it back. He can't sell it to anyone.

RAND0M-X February 15 2005 10:38 PM EST

I agree to all terms above. I will have the axbow upgraded to at least a 600k networth and I will not sale it.

Dark Skye February 16 2005 2:51 AM EST

you really should put a clause in here about if he is an idiot and gets reset or fined in the form of the Axbow that he owes you x ammount of money... or some other form of restitution.... just my thoughts on the subject...
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