Au Revoir (in Public Record)

Mookster February 16 2005 12:51 PM EST

Well, in the 1 1/2 months since the opening of CB2, I've all but quit playing either game. I enjoyed played CB1 for a year, trying to reach the top without spending a drop of USD, but doing it again isn't fun. I don't much enjoy SelloutBlender1, or TattooBlender2, so farewell to you all, though I may occasionally pop in if I'm very bored.

Todd February 16 2005 1:05 PM EST

Get it right. CB2 is tattoo/CoBF/DM/Blender.

Rock, paper, scissors.

[YG]Wildthing February 16 2005 1:13 PM EST

bye, hope to see you around once in awhile

Arorrr February 16 2005 3:17 PM EST

Todd, do you mean CB2 is tattoo/CoBF/DM Blender = Rock, paper, scissors

The way I see it, CB2 you can have all: Tattoo, CoBF and DM. Meaning you can have all rock,paper and scissors. Why bother to pick one when you can buy two of them with USD and the third by just playing. Blend them up!

NSFY February 16 2005 4:03 PM EST

I don't blame you Mookster - most of these CB2 people are lame. In fact, I have decided that they are no longer worthy of my musings in chat. That should save them from their foolish consistencies.

I've got your caps RIGHT HERE!
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