3D experimented help (in Off-topic)

Salketer [big bucks] February 16 2005 9:06 PM EST

Well, I don't know much about how computers manipulate or generate 3D things but I've just installed Softimage XSI and the program crashes once it tries loading the OpenGL extension named ARB_Shadow. It say it cannot locate it.

What exactly is the matter? Is there any ways i can get it?

I tried reinstalling it and made a search on google but nothing =(

Vagabond February 17 2005 12:14 PM EST

this page might help you out. I'd first check the readme for Softimage and see if you need to install the extension manually or if the program is supposed to be doing it for you. If is installing it, maybe you need to upgrade your video card driver. Otherwise, try slapping the extension in manually and see what happens.
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