Suggestion: Much Higher Button (in General)

Chocolate Thunder February 18 2005 3:16 PM EST

Bring back the much higher button for scrolling through hitlists.
Pretty please.... with sugar on top. 5 minutes and i'm still in the 2000's

CT [Monopoly] February 18 2005 3:22 PM EST

I kind of liked the "much higher" button. But, it's not the end of the world if Jon declines.

Chocolate Thunder February 18 2005 3:27 PM EST

Actually forget i posted this, i just realized if i click on someone in the character standings of a certain PR, the list recenters on that PR.....

[YG]Wildthing February 18 2005 5:26 PM EST

find some much higher then you that you can beat, remember the name, and then use the specify link, fight them and go from there. much faster
or go to the stats > most powerful > find someone higher than you > fight them

[From CB1]Tequito February 19 2005 1:35 AM EST

or just click the button really fast. you don't need to wait for the page to load.

Tribute February 19 2005 3:11 AM EST

only in Internet Explorer (refer to above post)

I had forgotten about that "much higher button." Ah, memories.

[From CB1]Tequito February 19 2005 5:44 AM EST

i actually use fire fox, and it works.
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