BrandonLP/[PAWNSHOP]Lukey(CB2BANK) (in Public Record)

BrandonLP February 19 2005 11:41 AM EST

I am giving Lukey a A Tattoo of Jigorokano lvl 42,970 which is his to keep as long as he meets the condition of being a member of Brotherhood of Valinor. Once he no longer meets that condition, he must send to the tattoo back to me. Also, I may request the tattoo back at any time, but not for selling or renting purposes unless Lukey is given half of what I am given. Agreed?

{CB1}Lukeyman February 19 2005 11:56 AM EST

Agreed, Send to Luke

{CB1}Lukeyman February 19 2005 12:12 PM EST

Sorry, CMed and were not doing the deal anymore.
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