Ryu//Becoming//CB2BANK (in Public Record)

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 19 2005 8:32 PM EST

Ryu is buying becoming's character becoming for 2 mil. Ryu is borrowing 1.5 mil from cb2bank to pay it. It is a secured loan at 1% of unpaid balance per day. He is putting up an MCM, and a ToJ as collateral, which will be loaned back to him at no charge except for transfer fees. The loan must be paid in 4 weeks or it will be default and the items will become the property of cb2bank.
I will send Becoming the payment, and he will send the character to Ryu, after the collateral items are placed into cb2bank vault.

Ryu and Becoming, please confirm this. Thank you.

Duke February 19 2005 8:36 PM EST

Confirme waiting for becoming to confirme to send the MCM and the TOJ over.

Becoming February 20 2005 2:20 AM EST

I confirm. My character will be free to transfer as soon as all of my rentals return... should be about one week.

Duke February 20 2005 5:46 PM EST

Deal been cancel.

Becoming February 21 2005 2:02 AM EST

Please be aware that when you agree to the terms of a sale, it is binding.

However, since others are interested in the character I'll not force you into upholding your end of the deal. Good luck to you, sir.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] February 21 2005 9:31 AM EST

This is null and void--sorry you guys couldn't complete the deal. This is closed.
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