zda777 selling egs to skye (in Public Record)

zda777(ballin) [MoneyTalks] February 20 2005 1:59 AM EST

selling A Pair of Elven Gloves [3] (+7) 62,756 for 1.1 mil to skye
he will have to borrow the money tom. to pay me

Dark Skye February 20 2005 2:00 AM EST

you got it! i will get the money to you asap through a loan from someone! lol /me is always in debt...

zda777(ballin) [MoneyTalks] February 20 2005 2:19 AM EST

[BALLER]zda777 (KILLA) Skye (Kindred Spirits) A Pair of Elven Gloves ($62756) 2:18 AM EST
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