AFK rooms (in General)

Undertow February 21 2005 4:55 AM EST

No whining, no complaining, no nothing. We can't have them, okay, I understand, I don't go afk in any room but Carnage.

I just want to know why.

I'm not saying "tell me or I won't listen!" Or "I demand an explanation!" or "This is unjust, crucify an admin!" or anything like that. I'm just standing infront of you, 3 feet tall, like a child, who is trying to learn why things work the way they do. Just why?

The only answer I'll flat out ignore is "Why not?" or it's offspring "what so hard about bla bla bla" "Why can't you just bla bla bla". Because I want to know why the rule exists, not what I need to do to follow it. And my answer for why not is simple, becaues I don't want to, and I'm too lazy to type /join carnage.

Yes, i know I'm gonna get flak for that, but it's true. But i do it anyway, cuz I"m supposed to. So, I just want to know why I do it.

Does seeing afk rooms make Jon pass gas? Or has a long list of rooms been known to cause Sezures? Everytime a person goes afk in a different room, does a fairy die? Cool, that works.

But I'm just wanting to know, that's is all.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 21 2005 6:53 AM EST

I really don't know tow (hey that rhymes)
To be honest 90% of the time valinor is just an afk room for people usually only being 1 or 2 in there at a time until we reach prime time with everyone.
But I think that just having 1 room per person for afk is silly.
Maybe if there was a room or 2 for people who spend all their time afk would be more reasonable on both sides, those who want to be afk in another room and those who want to know who is actually online by looking at the list on the right-hand side while in carnage.
Although we all know by now that these ideas should be kicked out of us before we manage to blurt them out in forums :)

Lumpy Koala February 21 2005 7:12 AM EST

Why not... you just shut down the browser or even turn off your machine ? :D ( Save electricity is GOOD :)

NSFY February 21 2005 10:36 AM EST

This is standard managerial practice. If you ever go into a Wendy's on off hours you will find the workers performing seemingly-senseless tasks like arranging the napkin holders, counting ketchup packets, and sorting saltines. They are instructed to do this for several reasons: First and foremost, all good managers know that idle hands are the devil's workshop! If the minions are not given tasks to occupy their time they will invariably get into some sort of mischief. Second, performing these activities helps reinforce the employer - employee relationship. No one can possibly forget who is in charge as they are instructed to perform meaningless tasks to earn their paltry pittance compensation. And finally, despite the rudimentary nature of these pitiful tasks, they serve the purpose of giving the minions some sense of purpose, self-importance, and a perverse form of fulfillment. This illusion of self-direction often manifests itself in the form of zeal. Woe to the ketchup packet that is crusted with old ketchup, or worst of all - somehow just plain different!

I hope this answers your question.

AdminG Beee February 21 2005 10:45 AM EST


"...all good managers know that idle hands are the devil's workshop! If the minions are not given tasks to occupy their time they will invariably get into some sort of mischief."

Type this from the office today ?

Myonax February 21 2005 11:15 AM EST

As far as I know the actual reason is at one point everyone and their dog created special rooms to signify they were afk and joining chat looked something like this:

Chat Blender 3.1.7 starting...
Existing rooms:
badash_walking_dog: 1 user
Severswoed: 2 users
jimmynobody_at_work: 1 user
undertow_on_a_date: 1 user
Valinor: 7 users
I_am_so_popular_I_have_my_own_room: 1 user
Chet_out_of_town_till_tuesday: 1.1 user
new players: 16 users
captain_obvious_grounded: 1 user
you_dont_know_me_but_I_am_not_here: 1 user
Mushu_hiding_from_jon: 1 user
Do_not_disturb: 1 user
carnage: 35 users
*** Now in room carnage

Descent February 21 2005 12:03 PM EST

The simplest answer to your question, Undertow, is that Jon has created this rule. How does this manage to get past you? Same goes for the reason as to why he has not answered the "why?" question. It doesn't matter. The bottom line is, Jon's game - Jon's rules. Let it go already...

Myonax February 21 2005 3:43 PM EST

I really think you misunderstand Jon. He is not a tyrant running around outlawing things for his amusement. Everyone creating a room to tell us what they are doing when they are AFK is lame. With the addition of Chatmail, not even needed.

Max February 21 2005 5:07 PM EST

How many ways can we say this? Don't start a new thread asking something that was answered over and over again.

Don't create rooms for AFK purposes.
Don't create rooms to chat and then go AFK.

Thread closed.

This thread is closed to new posts.