CB1 Spell Charts - Applicable to CB2? (in General)

Alienfb February 22 2005 9:49 AM EST

In CB1 lots of usefull information was gathered and tested by various Chars and put into charts and graphs. These charts were very usefull in planning how far you trained certain spells.

Does anyone know if the old spell charts and graphs from CB1 are still applicable to CB2?

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] February 22 2005 10:24 AM EST

They are not for most spells.
All 3 main DD spells are different.
Most of the enchants cast differently also such as Prot. Trying to train it to 60 then leaving it will not work here :)

bartjan February 22 2005 11:20 AM EST

The only graph that makes any sense since Jon changed spells somewhere in 2004 is the graph for Protection. All other spells are (almost) linear.
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