Problems with chat solved except now i appear to be banned? (in Public Record)

WJF February 24 2005 3:55 PM EST

I got kicked from chat for trying to sell in it which is fair enough, then when i tryed to get back in the computor went mental, i guess it looked like i was refreshing. Anyway i know appear to be banned from chat and would like someone to lift it. I am a supportor and would spend money on a game i didn't take seriously (well reasonably so it is a game:) ).Long story short can someone lift this please.

Descent February 24 2005 4:01 PM EST

WJF, you have only been /kill'd. It was actually almost an hour ago at this point, I think. You should be able to get back in very shortly.

bartjan February 24 2005 4:02 PM EST

If you are killed from chat (sounds like you were), then that kill expires after an hour. A full ban from chat would show up as a '!' in your name.

Lifting this 'ban' before the hour expires would require a restart of the chat server, which causes everyone to be kicked from chat. Sorry, you're not that important ;)

WJF February 24 2005 4:09 PM EST

lol it is easy panic thanks guys
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