lvl ToA (in Public Record)

Synco February 25 2005 11:28 AM EST

i am lvling [Loan_Broker]moser's ToA for 20cb2 a lvl.

<[Loan_Broker]moser> i have a 6920 ToJ if you want to do that one
<[Loan_Broker]moser> pretty small though
=> [Loan_Broker]moser much per lvl?
<[Loan_Broker]moser> $20
=> [Loan_Broker]moser how long do u want me to keep it for??
<[Loan_Broker]moser> how long do you want to level it?
<[Loan_Broker]moser> i don't want to send it for a day if you will only do 160 BA
<[Loan_Broker]moser> you realize that you could make more money by renting a big ToJ and fighting?
=> [Loan_Broker]moser i will do more BA when it refreshes
<[Loan_Broker]moser> what character do I send it to?
=> [Loan_Broker]moser Geralt
=> [Loan_Broker]moser how long??
<[Loan_Broker]moser> i'll send it for 6 hours if that is ok
=> [Loan_Broker]moser k...
<[Loan_Broker]moser> sent
=> [Loan_Broker]moser k
<[Loan_Broker]moser> starting at lvl 6920

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