Darkthrone game (in Off-topic)

Severswoed February 25 2005 3:46 PM EST

Click here to get started.

Dingleberry February 26 2005 9:59 AM EST

Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Link

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 26 2005 2:40 PM EST

Click everyday , i click yours everyday.

Severswoed March 1 2005 3:08 PM EST

For GlowAngel

Mandy [Journey] March 1 2005 3:12 PM EST

For everyone that clicks my link.... chatmails me what my new population is, ill give you 250cb - free money while waiting on ba :)

Tenchi Muyo March 1 2005 3:13 PM EST

Click Mine too! - Click mine and I will pay you 250 CB2 as well.

Mandy [Journey] March 1 2005 3:15 PM EST

potiental to earn 500cb by clicking 2 links :) hot diggity :)

K click mine every day and ill click yours :)

Severswoed March 1 2005 3:18 PM EST

ok ok, incentive 250 cb for clicking, send me my new population via CM to confirm!

Severswoed March 1 2005 3:19 PM EST

unless you play then post your link and get free clicks from DT players!

Devil Burrito March 1 2005 3:30 PM EST


there is mine

Severswoed March 1 2005 3:36 PM EST

<a href="http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?uid=V30294Z30311J30379K30345S30243V30328 ">For Devil Burrito</a>

Severswoed March 1 2005 3:36 PM EST

For Devil Burrito

matteo48 March 1 2005 3:37 PM EST

I think i did everyones on the page!

I was bored

Gothar March 1 2005 3:38 PM EST

Since we are at it mine is easier! Not gonna offer any CB2$ for it though but I will click anyone else's link in here that makes it clickable!

Click ME!

Gothar March 1 2005 3:51 PM EST

What you guys think of a Carnage Blender Alliance in DT?

(CB1)logan666 [Jago] March 1 2005 3:59 PM EST

I clicked everyones links for please click mine. I'll try to remember to do it everyday too.

For Logan

renegade March 1 2005 4:05 PM EST

you know that if you go to community>recruiter, and click and do that 350 times a day you usually get around 300 citizens

Gothar March 1 2005 4:17 PM EST

250 for the recruiter actually - you can get an additional 25 by getting people to click your link like we are doing here!

matteo48 March 1 2005 4:28 PM EST

http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?uid=V30294Z30311J30379R30362S30243N30226 Please

vendo March 1 2005 9:06 PM EST

For Matt

Hivemind [The Hive] March 2 2005 3:27 AM EST

http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?uid=V30294Z30311J30379K30345O30226X30277 ....for you chance to win free population

Xenko March 2 2005 6:47 AM EST

I've already made a carnage blender alliance. PM me (Kultur) in DT and I'll send out invites.

vendo March 2 2005 8:24 PM EST

For Hive

Nightmare [NewNightmares] March 3 2005 9:43 PM EST

Click me :)

Warchild March 3 2005 9:53 PM EST

Yeah I will jump on this bandwagon as well

Click Here Please

Mechanical Dragon March 4 2005 3:38 AM EST

I'm curious, is Darkthrone any good? I'd like to hear some opinions of the game.

Warchild March 4 2005 3:57 AM EST

Its ok but it takes some patience. Very good for when you are waiting on BA. :-)

Becoming March 4 2005 3:57 AM EST

I was wondering the same thing. Only I'd like details about gameplay, not just a simple yes or no. :)

Sarzec March 4 2005 6:50 AM EST



Will [Retired] March 4 2005 7:47 AM EST

get on the gravy train... do bee do bee, oh no thats bandwagon ain't it? whatever. Its a Dark One...

Will [Retired] March 4 2005 7:47 AM EST


[Beo]AggroHippie March 4 2005 10:20 PM EST

here's mine PS, I hope this works
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