-(Loans)-SirBubbleWrap instaing my ToJ (in Public Record)

Denomicon February 25 2005 5:43 PM EST

-(Loans)-SirBubbleWrap is going to do an insta on my Toj ~NW atm 900K. The insta will be at 80% of the NW difference between my Toj and his.

Once he confirms this I will send him my ToJ, and then he can send me his ToJ and the appropriate amount of money.


SBW February 25 2005 10:22 PM EST

I made another post on accident =$

Denomicon February 26 2005 2:39 PM EST

Sorry, didn't get on last night, so here is the tattoo. Just send 80% of the NW difference to Cute Nun.

Denomicon (Cute Nun) -(Loans)-SirBubbleWrap
(Galaxian Phalanx) A Tattoo of Jigorokano ($929784) 2:38 PM EST
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