Help me remember the name of this arcade game! (in Off-topic)

Frod February 26 2005 9:19 PM EST

Ok, old-timers, I'm trying to remember the name of an arcade game I used to play in the '80s.

The player was a plumber. A serpentine network of pipes led from the top of the screen to the bottom, and ended at a fire. Water flowing through the pipes would put out the fire, but--alas!--pesky mice kept loosening the pipes.

You had to crawl underneat the pipes, grabbing loose pipes and putting them back so the water kept flowing. If you crawled off the edge of a loose pipe, or touched a mouse, you lost a life; if you happened to be carrying a loose pipe when you got close to a mouse, you could bonk him.

Any ideas?

AdminJonathan February 26 2005 9:42 PM EST

Never heard of it, but this looks like what you're describing:

Frisky Tom

/black belt in google-fu

Frod February 26 2005 9:46 PM EST

Bingo! I've been googling for it off and on for weeks.

Out of curiosity, what search terms did you use?

AdminJonathan February 26 2005 9:55 PM EST

plumber mice arcade pipes, in Groups. Frisky Tom was at the top but the post was pretty short on details; cross-checking that on Web came up with the atari link. (Now that I look closer, the atari link is also #6 on Web for plumber mice arcade pipes, but the excerpt -- dive bombing mice? -- didn't sound like your description so I didn't click through.)
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