good_killa borrowing from Tribute (in Public Record)

Tribute February 27 2005 9:59 PM EST

As the title says. And by the way, I probably give better deals in loans than others but I digress. good_killa will be borrowing 730K and will pay back 775K by monday if not sooner. The loan is going for the cornathum in the BM auctions now. (The bidder is Inebriated Arsonist.)

Tribute February 27 2005 10:11 PM EST

Bidder is now me (Tribute)

He will be sending me 320K instead

That way the loan (1050000-730K) is still real. And he can still pay me 775K back if he wins. otherwise, I will just send back the 320K.

Synco February 27 2005 10:12 PM EST


Tribute February 27 2005 10:18 PM EST

the money was sent and I have bid, now only time will tell

Tribute February 28 2005 12:17 AM EST

pah! outbid! If good_killa wishes to have me rebid, he must pay back

1215506-1050000 more which is $165506 more. Added to 775K this is:

Synco February 28 2005 5:47 PM EST

yes...i want u to rebid

Tribute February 28 2005 6:03 PM EST

I need a bit more money. Since it now costs 1477455 to bid and my last bid was 1050000 then it follows that in addition to the 320K originally sent, 427455 more must be sent.

Tribute February 28 2005 6:10 PM EST

Looking at the PR forum rules, I suppose I cannot make/alter the deal, so I am just going to send back the 320K. Sorry good_killa.
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