Loan with [Loan_Officer]_Barron for 300K (in Public Record)

Funsize432 March 1 2005 12:38 AM EST

I am taking out a loan with [Loan_Officer]_Barron for 300K. The interest rate will be 10% per week.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 1 2005 12:40 AM EST

[Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) Funsize432 (Funsize) $300000 -- Loan 12:40 AM EST

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 2 2005 12:33 PM EST

Due by 3/8: 330k

Funsize432 March 6 2005 5:24 PM EST

Funsize432 (Funsize) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $140000 5:22 PM EST

Here is the first part of the payment. I don't think I'll have the rest by the 8th, but I can pay you 10% for every week it's late. We can make it compound interest, too, so that you know I'm not just jerking you around. I just happen to be out of town at the moment, so I can't get to a computer as often as I'd like. Anyway, just write back to this when you have the chance.

Barron [CB2BANK Investors Club] March 9 2005 10:02 AM EST

Loan: 190,000
10% 19,000

Balance: 209,000

Funsize432 March 14 2005 2:28 PM EST

Funsize432 (Funsize) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $80000 2:27 PM EST

I now owe 129K. When do I get hit with the next wave of interest?

Funsize432 March 15 2005 2:54 PM EST

Funsize432 (Funsize) [Loan Officer] Barron (CB2Bank) $129000 2:53 PM EST

And that completes this deal. Thanks again for the loan.
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