Cuthbo // Severswoed Trade (in Public Record)

Severswoed March 2 2005 10:58 PM EST

I am selling Cuthbo A Pair of Elven Gloves [3] (+8) NW $113,608 for the following:

  -  900k

  -  A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets 5 +8 to +12 ($426,101)
  -  A Helm of Intelligence 5 +8 +12 ($909,086)

Pay Plan:
500k to be paid now (so he has money and can forge)
100k to be paid over the next 4 weeks.
Payments on March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

Forging on the HoI to begin after the HG

Cuthbo (cuthbo) Severswoed (Tybson) $500000 10:50 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Cuthbo (cuthbo) A Pair of Elven Gloves ($113608) 10:50 PM EST

Severswoed (Tybson) Cuthbo (cuthbo) A Pair of Helm's Gauntlets ($70949) 10:50 PM EST

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